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  • ScRNA-seq panels-st02

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-DMT01

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22


    scRNA-seq data analysis was performed by NovelBio Bio-Pharm Technology Co.,Ltd. with NovelBrain Cloud Analysis Platform. We applied fastp with default parameter filtering the adaptor sequence and removed the low-quality reads to achieve the clean data44. UMI-tools was applied for Single Cell Transcriptome Analysis to identify the cell barcode whitelist45. The UMI-based clean data was mapped to human genome (Ensemble version 91) utilizing STAR mapping with customized parameter from UMI-tools standard pipeline to obtain the UMIs counts of each sample46. Cells contained over 200 expressed genes and mitochondria UMI rate below 40% passed the cell quality filtering and mitochondria genes were removed in the expression table. Seurat package (version: 3.1.4, was used for cell normalization and regression based on the expression table according to the UMI counts of each sample and percent of mitochondria rate to obtain the scaled data. PCA was constructed based on the scaled data with top 2000 high variable genes and top 10 principals were used for tSNE construction and UMAP construction. Utilizing graph-based cluster method (resolution=0.8), we acquired the unsupervised cell cluster result based the PCA top 10 principal and we calculated the marker genes by FindAllMarkers function with wilcox rank sum test algorithm under following criteria:1. lnFC > 0.25; 2. pvalue<0.05; 3. min.pct>0.1. In order to identify the cell type detailed, the clusters of same cell type were selected for re-tSNE analysis, graph-based clustering and marker analysis.

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-ST01

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-ST03

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-ST04

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-DMT02

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • ScRNA-seq panels-DMT03

    Peiwei Chai, , 2024.01.22

    Analysis type

    De Novo Assembly


  • JZ202005050928_JZsc792

    Yifan Zhao, Sinotech Genomics, 2021.10.23

    Analysis type



  • JZ202005050928_JZsc820

    Yifan Zhao, Sinotech Genomics, 2021.10.23

    Analysis type



  • JZ202005050928_JZsc790

    Yifan Zhao, Sinotech Genomics, 2021.10.23

    Analysis type

