Variant: 18:10359122-A-G
Variation Class:SNV (single nucleotide variation)
Reference allele:A
Ancestral allele:G
Alt. Allele:G
Alt. Allele Frequency:0.701818(69633/99218)

Prevalence of province populations

SNV Chrom Position Ref. Ancestral
Alt. Province Level Genetic Region Level
Province Alt Allele
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Fujian 377 558 0.675627 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Liaoning 1530 2160 0.708333 Northeast Han 3366 4802 0.700958
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Shanghai 11387 16414 0.693737 Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Henan 1417 2002 0.707792 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Hunan 271 394 0.687817 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Shanxi 1519 2144 0.708489 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Shandong 3017 4246 0.710551 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Shaanxi 6049 8740 0.692105 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Zhejiang 6686 9496 0.704086 Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Chongqing 730 1086 0.672192 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Anhui 2017 2856 0.706232 Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Heilongjiang 1290 1824 0.707237 Northeast Han 3366 4802 0.700958
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Guangdong 1260 1786 0.705487 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Tianjin 779 1120 0.695536 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Sichuan 1016 1440 0.705556 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Jiangxi 487 708 0.687853 Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Hubei 2220 3136 0.707908 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Jiangsu 9952 14048 0.708428 Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Beijing 9983 14182 0.70392 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Hebei 1495 2120 0.705189 Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Gansu 236 322 0.732919 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Qinghai 2 2 1.0 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Singapore 4965 7034 0.705857 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Xinjiang 126 168 0.75 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Jilin 546 818 0.667482 Northeast Han 3366 4802 0.700958
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Guangxi 55 74 0.743243 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Xizang 2 2 1.0 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Neimenggu 35 50 0.7 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Ningxia 8 12 0.666667 Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Yunnan 143 214 0.668224 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Guizhou 25 44 0.568182 Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Xianggang 2 4 0.5 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Hainan 6 14 0.428571 South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801

The above section provides alternative allele frequency (AAF) information for selected variant cross world-wide populations whose genomes as well the variant have been included in the database. In the AAF distribution map, each pie represents the allele frequency for a population. Users can custom the populations, data sets and ancestries to show or not show the corresponding pies. The figure is interactive, and users can operated the items in the figure to get detailed information or download the figure. For example, by hovering a mouse in each pie, it return to you the population name that the pie represents and give you the frequencies and genotypes in detail. By switching figure to table in the top right corner, the web returns the detailed information in table format. Users can use the “export to” button to download the table in a suitable format.

Prevalence of province populations

SNV Chrom Position Ref. Ancestral
Alt. Genetic
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G South coast Han 6665 9470 0.703801
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Northeast Han 3366 4802 0.700958
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Southeast Han 30529 43522 0.701461
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Central Han 18210 25814 0.705431
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Southwest Han 4407 6316 0.697752
18:10359122-A-G 18 10359122 A G G Northwest Han 6456 9294 0.694642

The above section provides alternative allele frequency (AAF) information for selected variant cross world-wide populations whose genomes as well the variant have been included in the database. In the AAF distribution map, each pie represents the allele frequency for a population. Users can custom the populations, data sets and ancestries to show or not show the corresponding pies. The figure is interactive, and users can operated the items in the figure to get detailed information or download the figure. For example, by hovering a mouse in each pie, it return to you the population name that the pie represents and give you the frequencies and genotypes in detail. By switching figure to table in the top right corner, the web returns the detailed information in table format. Users can use the “export to” button to download the table in a suitable format.