Variant: 18:10359366-G-A
Variation Class:SNV (single nucleotide variation)
Reference allele:G
Ancestral allele:G
Alt. Allele:A
Alt. Allele Frequency:0.162143(15474/95434)

Prevalence of province populations

SNV Chrom Position Ref. Ancestral
Alt. Province Level Genetic Region Level
Province Alt Allele
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Shanxi 364 1994 0.182548 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Xinjiang 30 166 0.180723 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Neimenggu 8 48 0.166667 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Tianjin 191 1062 0.179849 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Shaanxi 1419 8218 0.17267 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Henan 335 1958 0.171093 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Hubei 442 2914 0.151682 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Fujian 80 564 0.141844 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Yunnan 25 222 0.112613 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Ningxia 1 10 0.1 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Sichuan 259 1390 0.186331 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Jiangxi 126 700 0.18 Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Qinghai 1 2 0.5 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Gansu 59 312 0.189103 Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Anhui 444 3146 0.141132 Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Beijing 2260 13592 0.166274 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Guangdong 320 1770 0.180791 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Guizhou 3 42 0.071429 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Singapore 859 6642 0.129329 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Liaoning 433 2140 0.202336 Northeast Han 881 4668 0.188732
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Shandong 689 4252 0.162041 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Hebei 353 1996 0.176854 Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Hainan 4 14 0.285714 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Zhejiang 1437 9048 0.15882 Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Jiangsu 2213 13180 0.167906 Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Shanghai 2416 16008 0.150925 Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Hunan 63 376 0.167553 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Guangxi 11 76 0.144737 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Xianggang 0 4 0.0 South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Heilongjiang 307 1738 0.17664 Northeast Han 881 4668 0.188732
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Chongqing 181 1060 0.170755 Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Jilin 141 790 0.178481 Northeast Han 881 4668 0.188732

The above section provides alternative allele frequency (AAF) information for selected variant cross world-wide populations whose genomes as well the variant have been included in the database. In the AAF distribution map, each pie represents the allele frequency for a population. Users can custom the populations, data sets and ancestries to show or not show the corresponding pies. The figure is interactive, and users can operated the items in the figure to get detailed information or download the figure. For example, by hovering a mouse in each pie, it return to you the population name that the pie represents and give you the frequencies and genotypes in detail. By switching figure to table in the top right corner, the web returns the detailed information in table format. Users can use the “export to” button to download the table in a suitable format.

Prevalence of province populations

SNV Chrom Position Ref. Ancestral
Alt. Genetic
Alt Allele
Alt Allele
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Central Han 4192 24854 0.168665
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Northwest Han 1518 8756 0.173367
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Southwest Han 973 6004 0.162059
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A South coast Han 1274 9070 0.140463
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Southeast Han 6636 42082 0.157692
18:10359366-G-A 18 10359366 G G A Northeast Han 881 4668 0.188732

The above section provides alternative allele frequency (AAF) information for selected variant cross world-wide populations whose genomes as well the variant have been included in the database. In the AAF distribution map, each pie represents the allele frequency for a population. Users can custom the populations, data sets and ancestries to show or not show the corresponding pies. The figure is interactive, and users can operated the items in the figure to get detailed information or download the figure. For example, by hovering a mouse in each pie, it return to you the population name that the pie represents and give you the frequencies and genotypes in detail. By switching figure to table in the top right corner, the web returns the detailed information in table format. Users can use the “export to” button to download the table in a suitable format.