Search page

  • 1. This page allows searching SAS via GISAID ID or SAS ID or mutations (eg. GISAID ID: EPI_ISL_429311, SAS ID: ALM, mutations: L452R, D614G, A163V&D614G).
  • 2. Two steps are required to complete searching function. The first is to identify the queried S variant via GISAID ID or SAS ID or mutations. And the second is to specify your interested epitope region.
  • 3. Note that, one SAS ID refers to one unique S variant, which often links to multiple GISAID strains.
Step2:Please select an epitope region
Tips: The corresponding SAS IDs of your query were listed below, please specify one to visualize the antigenicity result.
SAS ID Number of GISAID strains Mutation Epitope Firstly reported strain
P11 8403 T19R/G142D/E156G/F157-/R158-/A222V/L452R/T478K/Q613H/D614G/P681R/D950N spike_validated_epi_9    spike_validated_epi_15    spike_predicted_epi_2    EPI_ISL_3835789