eLMSG genome submissions

eLMSG (An eLibrary of Microbial Systematics and Genomics,https://www.biosino.org/elmsg/index ) is a web database, which integrates microbial systematics, genomics, and phenomics (polyphasic taxonomy related phenotypes). eLMSG accepts the genome submission of purified strain (with 16SrRNA or without 16SrRNA) or MAG (metagenome-assembled genome).

Quick start guide

Purified strain
If you would like to submit the genome of purified strain (with 16SrRNA or without 16SrRNA), please download the following document and email your excel file and genome sequences to elmsg-support@picb.ac.cn . The definition of each field refers to https://www.biosino.org/elmsg/field_purified_strain

Download Excel

If you would like to submit MAG, please download the following document and email your excel file and genome sequences to elmsg-support@picb.ac.cn. The definition of each field refers to https://www.biosino.org/elmsg/field_mag and https://www.biosino.org/elmsg/field_environment_metagenomic

Download Excel

If you have any question, please contact elmsg-support@picb.ac.cn for more help.