Disorder "Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"
Found 120 records
Disorder information
Disorder name:
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 
Disoder ID:
OMIM entry:
A fatty liver disease characterized by the storing of excess fat in liver cells which is is not caused by heavy alcohol use. 
Modifier statisitcs
Effect type:
Expressivity(116) ,Penetrance(4)  
Modifier effect:
Altered severity(92) ,Risk factor(12) ,Altered incidence(4) ,Altered gene acitvity(2) ,Altered ALT levels(1) ,Altered susceptibility(1) ,Altered MTTP gene activity(1) ,Altered circulating levels of alanine transaminase(1) ,Altered diabetes risk(1) ,Altered disease progression(1) ,Altered expression of UCP3 mRNA(1) ,Altered intracellular lipid accumulation(1) ,Altered serum lipid levels and altered severity(1) ,Altered triglyceride levels(1)  
Modifier gene Variant Effect type Modifier effect Evidence Effect PubMed ID
PNPLA3 PNPLA3:c.444C>G(p.Ile148Met) Expressivity  Risk factor  Adjusted P=0.01  The PNPLA3 I148M variant has a codominant negative effect on triglycerides mobilization from lipid droplets, mediated by inhibition of other lipases.more more
PNPLA3:c.444C>G(p.Ile148Met) Expressivity  Risk factor  P<0.05  rs738409 as a strong modifier of the natural history of NAFLD in different populations around the world.more more
PLPPR4 LPPR4:g.99317401C>A Expressivity  Altered severity  P=4.82×10(-6)  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
PEMT PEMT:c.634G>A(p.Val212Met) Expressivity  Altered severity  P<0.01–0.03  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
PEMT:c.634G>A(p.Val212Met) Expressivity  Risk factor  OR=1.55, 95% CI: 1.14-2.11, P=0.005  The rs7946 A-allele was associated significantly with an increased risk of NAFLDmore more
PEMT:c.634G>A(p.Val212Met) Expressivity  Risk factor  From review article  Non-obese carriers of the Val175Met variant were at increased risk of NASHmore more
PDGFA PDGFA:g.35515178C>T Expressivity  Altered severity  P=3×10(-8)  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
PARVB PARVB:c.211+5145G>A Expressivity  Altered severity  P=1.8×10(-12)  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
NR1I2 NR1I2:c.-22-579A>G Expressivity  Altered severity  P=0.039  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
NR1I2:c.-22-5951T>C Expressivity  Altered severity  P=0.039  Associated with the development NAFLD or disease severity.more more
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