Reference metabolome for 150+ plants
- Browse Metabolome -Visualize metabolites by each species
- Structure Query -Search RefMeta Database with a structure sketch
- Molecular Weight Query -Search RefMeta Database by molecular weight
- Combined Query -Search RefMeta Database by combined parameters
- LC-MS Query -Search RefMeta by m/z values of precursor ions
- LC-MS/MS Query -Search RefMeta by MS1 (parent Ion m/z) and MS2 (fragment Ions m/z) values
- RefMetaBlast -Analyze a sample spectra by comparing with a selected reference metabolome
- CompoundLibBlast -Analyze and annotate a sample spectra with our compound libraries
- 25,900+ metabolites -Metabolites with experimental spectra that are growing daily
- 1,411,100+ spectra -Mass spectral data that are growing daily
- 150+ plant species -Mass spect experiments for samples across Bryophyta, Lycopodiopsida, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, and Angiospermae
- 150+ reference metabolome -Reference metabolome (.msr format) of 150+ species available for analysis applications

- Download RefMeta -Reference metabolome (.msr format) available for download and analysis applications
- Submit MS Data -Submitting raw mass spectral data for sharing and collaborative research
- Documentation -RefMeta database contents, data collection, data procsssing, and available functions for 'Browse Metabolome', 'Search Metabolites', 'Analyze Spectra', 'Share Data', etc.
- Acknowledgments -Authors, collaborators, and funding sources.
- Citation -
1. Han Shi, Xueting Wu, Yan Zhu, Tao Jiang, Zhengwei Wang, Xuetong Li, Jianju Liu, Yingxue Zhang, Feng Chen, Jinshan Gao, Xiaoyan Xu, Guoqing Zhang, Ning Xiao, Xianzhong Feng, Peng Zhang, Yongrui Wu, Aihong Li, Ping Chen, Xuan Li. RefMetaPlant: a reference metabolome database for plants across five major phyla, Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, gkad980. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad980.
2. Xuetong Li, Hongxia Zhou, Ning Xiao, Xueting Wu, Yuanhong Shan, Longxian Chen, Cuiting Wang, Zixuan Wang, Jirong Huang, Aihong Li, Xuan Li. Expanding the Coverage of Metabolic Landscape in Cultivated Rice with Integrated Computational Approaches, Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 2022 Aug;20(4):702-714. doi: 10.1016/j.gpb.2020.06.018.