About Us
Bio-Med Big Data Center is an independent unit within Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health (SINH), CAS. It is headed by the directors’ board under the general leadership of SINH and PICB, scientifically guided by international scientific advisory board (SAB).
Bioinformatics Platform
By taking advantage of high-performance computing cluster, this platform provides sophisticated data analysis services for the needs of scientific research as well as project construction such as standardized analysis of biomedical data, data mining, multi-omics data integration, public knowledge dissemination, and application of mathematical models. A wide-range of bioinformatics analysis pipelines have been established since the inception of the platform three years ago, and will be integrated with public data and innovative algorithms for deep interpretation. Under the guidance of this framework, we're going to provide more users with a comprehensive, universal, easy-to-use, visual and interactive analysis services, while supporting the mining and interpretation of scientific research data in the fields of genomics, precision medicine and microbiology.
Data Warehouse R & D Platform
Powered by advanced information technologies such as those of big data, information security and artificial intelligence, Data Warehouse R & D Platform focuses its effort on building, monitoring, maintaining, and updating biomedical databases, data warehouse and knowledgebase that archive data from rich sources including life omics, phenotypic omics, microbiome, precision medicine, clinical medicine, and championing in providing long-term professional and stable data services.
The ultimate goal of the platform is to build a complete information ecosystem from data acquisition, standardization and integration, to the development of database and knowledge system.
Intelligent Cloud Computing Platform
Intelligent Cloud Computing Platform focus on applying artificial intelligence and cloud computing technology to biomedical big data efficient analysis and interpretation. Currently, the platform is researching and developing followed software systems: (1) An intelligent mulit-omics data analysis system based on the cloud computing technology; (2) A smart data share system based on the blockchain technology; (3) an image recognition system based on the artificial intelligence technology. Moreover, we will investigate mulit-dimensional data integrative algorithms so as to facilitate large-scale data interpretation and application in biomedicine. With these software systems and algorithms, we will provide efficient data analysis service for human, model organism, and microbe.
High Performance Storage and Computing Platform
After a decade of continuous effort, High Performance Storage and Computing Platform has built an impressive capacity of high performance computing (HPC) and storage (HPS): 1) HPC: 2 clusters, total of 175 nodes (big RAM nodes: 64 x 256GB and 22 x 768GB), 4 of which have NVIDIA GPU accelerators attached (16*V100 GPU’s total in the system),4608 CPU cores, 47.3TB RAM, and up to 150 Tflops theoretical peak, among them; 2) HPS: 26.5PB expansible and stable network disk storage suitable for non-structure data archiving and large-scale computing, and 2.3PB LTO8 tape system for backups.
Omics Core Facility
Omics Core Facility aims to 1) build and deliver professional high-throughput sequencing services for biological data production and pipelines development for the processes of data production, data processing and data analysis; 2) function as the technical incubator for new omics technologies and to facilitate innovative research in computational biology at SINH; 3) extend our Illumina, BGI,.NanoPore and single-cell sequencing services to SINH, CAS institutes and beyond.
Uli-Schwarz Central Lab
To commemorate Prof. Dr. Uli Schwarz and his great contribution to Sino-German scientific collaboration, this public central lab which was built upon the former Max-Planck Guest Lab founded by him in 1985, was renamed as the Uli Schwarz Quantitative Biology Core Facility. This core facility mainly supplies high throughput genetic, phenotypic, metabolic data and the data of aging, face imaging, big tissue 3D imaging for computational modeling and analysis. It also provides wet lab infrastructure to verify the dry data modeling.
Uli Schwarz Quantitative Biology Core Facility has a total lab space of about 250 square meters and is in the function of a service platform for “wet” experiment in molecular biology,cellular biology and tissue-live imaging. It serves basic lab requirements, technical supports and technical training courses to all SINH groups. It consists of public experimental lab, public cell culture room, molecular quantitative analysis sub-platform, imaging and analysis sub-platform. Besides conventional instruments for cellular & molecular biology, this core facility is also equipped with advanced instruments such as laser capture micro dissection machine for tissue dissection, light-sheet microscope for clearing big tissue imaging and two-photon confocal microscope for live imaging. This core facility supports the investigation of domestic research institutions and enterprises, as well as to CAS.