
The 16S full length (16S-FL) pipeline is based on Qiime2, and mainly includes species diversity study and differential study.

Species diversity study

Based on the representative sequences and feature abundance profile, analyze the alpha diversity within the group and beta diversity between the groups.

Differential study

Based on the representative sequences and feature abundance profile, the abundance profile is firstly obtained through species annotation. Then, Wilcoxon rank sum test and LEfSe are used for identifying the differential flora and biomarker between the groups.

The steps of 16S-FL pipeline (for more information, please refer to user manual)

1、Register an account. If you don’t have an iMAC account, please click here to register your account.

2、Login. If you already have an iMAC account, please click login in the navigation bar.

3、Upload data. Download the FTP client software FileZilla, and log in sftp://fms.biosino.org:44399 using the registered user name and password. Then, upload your data through FileZilla and browse them in user center/Data module.

4、Create new task. In the user center/Task List/16S-FL Task, click “New Task” to create a 16S-FL pipeline task. Then, adjust the default parameters according to your requirement and submit.

5、Download results. After the task is finished, you can download the results in the user center/Task List/16S-FL Task and click an eye icon to view interactive graphics.

Submit Data